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The impacts of the pandemic on the music industry and the song “mirrorball” by Taylor Swift.

Victor Furlan

"And they called off the circus, burned the disco down

When they sent home the horses and the rodeo clowns

I'm still on that tightrope

I'm still trying everything to get you laughing at me"

metaphorically wrote Taylor on the sixth track of her album “folklore”, released in July 2020. By comparing herself with these figures, the singer recognizes her role in the entertainment industry and “plays” with the way in which musicians saw their concerts being dismantled from one hour to another. While teachers adapted online classes, artists also proved versatile, performing virtual shows, creating material in isolation, and releasing homemade art. According to data collected by Data Sim, the virus caused losses of more than R$480,000,000 for the Brazilian music industry.

As a result of these statements, it is common to ask ourselves how we can contribute to this industry still in this pandemic scenario in Brazil, and Girls for the World raised some topics with relevant tips and suggestions in this regard:

  • Start by supporting local and/or new artists, these are as important and as real as that singer with millions of followers on Instagram.

  • Also try to contribute virtually to the creator you follow, always sharing artistic content or even promoting emotional support for them in the media of your choice. Art when echoed can have a greater power than we imagine.

  • Look for institutions that represent the artistic class and, if possible, make donations, strengthening this community.

  • Participating in virtual events can also be a good alternative to honor the creator you admire.

  • Give it a chance. Do you have an audiovisual or social project in mind and need a creative contribution to it? Look for artists and offer an opportunity.

Thus, let us all try to be more aware of the importance and nobility of the attitude of offering support for art in the current global scenario and always. Therefore, I recommend the profile @asfloressaoparatodos on Instagram, which deals with these themes and belongs to the front of Equality of Girls for the World.




Any ideas, suggestions, comments or conclusions?


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